Psychosocial and Scholastic Assistance Centre

The Psychosocial and Scholastic Assistance Centre (Centre psycho-social et d’accompagnement scolaire - CePAS) is aimed at adolescents, parents, families and professionals in the psychosocial and educational network.

The CePAS coordinates the activities of the Psychosocial and Scholastic Assistance Services (Services psycho-sociaux et d'accompagnement scolaires - SePAS) in secondary schools and technical secondary schools and actively works with the vocational guidance department of the Employment Agency.

The roles of CePAS include:

  • provide psycho-pedagogical counselling for pupils in post-primary education and to assist in the educational guidance of pupils in the 6th year of primary education;
  • facilitate the transition from school to the world of work;
  • in general, advise parents, pupils and institutions and persons responsible for the training of pupils, insofar as the psychological, psycho-emotional and psycho-social aspects of the pupils' learning processes are concerned;
  • coordinate the organisation of the School Psychology and Guidance Services with the directors' colleges and with the college of primary school inspectors, as far as they are concerned, and coordinate the activities of services;
  • award pupils post-primary subsidies from the State.

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